Wednesday, 30 September 2015

FIlm Noir

Film Noir has a lot of shadows present in the film and is monochrome. There is always a femme fatale in the film who is seen to be vulnerable and needs assistance from the male protagonist who is seen to be strong and masculine. The films always seem to highlight red colours to show danger and bad things that could happen or have happened. The plot of the film usually has a crime scene to it where a female is always behind it or takes part in some of the crime.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Media PowerPoint

Feedback: Great choice of track - creates strong associations and parallel collage is perfect.

                  Contrapuntal collage is weaker - it doesn't have such a strong feel or visual                           effect. Perhaps you could have chosen something completely unrelated to the                       ideas in the song.
WWW: Good piece of music. 
            Strong Parallel images.
            Both images and music synergies with each other.

EBI:     Contrapuntal images didn't have a strong impact.
            Use more images for contrapuntal which have a strong image.
            Make sure the images are completely different to the song.

Top 3: Sharife - Good choice of music and contrapuntal images.
           Rehan - The choice of the song was good and worked well with the parallel images.
           Aliza - The song worked well with both parallel and contrapuntal images.                  

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Film Language: Lighting

1. The first image has low key lighting and this is seen by the ratio of light and darkness displayed in the image. The light is only coming from one direction creating more shadows allowing us to see the smoke of the cigarette. The lighting is coming from the background and is placed at the top left. It only reflects on one side of the womens face.This sets the impression that some sort of criminal act or deception is going on in this image.

2. This image also has very low key lighting as only the face of the female is shown, showing us her facial expression and hair. The rest of her body isn't displayed. The light is also coming from the background pointing directly at her face. This makes the audience feel as if the lighting is done this way to see the beauty of the character. 

3. High key lighting is present in this image as it looks more natural, the shadows that are created are made by the body parts of the male such as his eyes. There is a filler light, back light and key light present to make this effect. This gives us the impression that the character is showing his dominance and power through the shadows that are placed underneath his eyes. 

4. Image 4 has low key lighting as the lighting is only directed at his face and the lower down the image the shading goes darker. There is use of black light and filler light, this is to allow us to see the rain in the background which wouldn't be identifiable if there was use of key lighting. This also allows us to see the gun which is being held at the bottom right where the lighting isn't used as much but was placed on the gun for it to be seen. This gives the impression some sort of crime is going to take place as there's a dark atmosphere which is commonly used in these situations. 

5.This image has high key lighting and this is created from the key light, this is done to create a horror film effect with the shadow which is created by the lighting. This is done by under lighting which places the shadow to be head on which the audience can see. This creates the effect that the women is in danger and needs help, this is done to give a typical horror film atmosphere where the helpless women is about to be murdered.

6. The lighting in this image is low key but also has natural light coming through the windows. The natural light is identifiable as the shadows of the blind is present on the faces of the characters and the shadow is lower down on the image which shows an indication that there's low key lighting. This is done to create an intimate moment between both of the characters as they're kissing which makes the atmosphere more romantic. 

7. This image has high key lighting from the background light creating a silhouette creating 4 shadows of the characters. This creates the impression that the characters are intimidating and something illegal may be taking place in this scene of the film. The atmosphere seems to be more sinister as the characters aren't identifiable due to the lighting being placed behind them hiding their identity. 

8. The lighting in this scene is high key, the shadow is created from the key light as it is produced on the wall. The horror on the protagonists face and the shadow on the wall creates the impression it's a horror film and changes the atmosphere to be more frightening, the audience would also be terrified as the lighting is used to show the expression on the characters face. 

9. The lighting is high key as the shadows are only created from the body parts of the women. The lighting is created from background lighting, key lighting and a filler light is also used to smooth out any shadows that could be produced in the background. The lighting is used to show us the position of the womens body so we can identify what she's doing(praying). This makes the audience feel like the women is in need of help from God which is why she's praying.

10. Low key lighting is used in this image and is created from natural light and background  light. This gives the shadows required for the scene as it is a horror film and the light which is present focuses on the murders face. This then changes the atmosphere as a murderer in the house will create a build up of tension within the audience viewing this as only the murderer is present. This lighting is used this was to focus solely on the murderer to gain the attention of the audience and to present the emotion/mask on their face.

11. This scene has high key lighting, it is created by the key light and background light. There is no filler light as there is a shadow created at the back from the light coming from the left. The shadows that are created on the faces of the characters by their own body parts(eyes, nose, lips .ect.). The high key lighting is used to show us the expressions of both the characters and the position of their bodies. From this we can identify that this is a love scene. 

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Film Language: Mise-en-scene


This scene is set outside as a concert is going on and the group is on the stage. They are singing a song for the audience as the concert is midway. The crowd is dancing along to the music being played as hands are raised in the air which indicates they're dancing. We can identify them as the lighting is brighter on them than it is on the crowd making the group more visible for us to see. The group is also identifiable as the clothes they wear are coordinating, as a result this highlights them from the rest of the crowd who aren't in coordinating clothes. The main characters are perceived to dress like thugs and hooligans as they're in all black and wearing snapbacks. It would suggest that they're part of some sort of gang or gang related activity being in America during the late 1980s. From the way they're dressed I can connote that this is a rap concert as the main protagonists are dress in a informal way and dress as if they're from the ghetto. 


This scene of the film is where the group of hooligans break into the house of the family where a wedding anniversary is taking place.The scene is set in the house and everyone is particularly well dressed, the female protagonist falls down in shock as the window breaks and drops the knives which are potentially used as weapons. The gang of hooligans that break in have on masks of animals making it easy to identify who they are and give them a more sinister look. The women falls over in shock when the hooligan breaks in and also has the look of terror on her face as she was about to be killed by an axe. 


In this scene two males are in a car and one is offered drugs, the white male turns down the drugs and gets a gun pulled to his head by the male protagonist. This scene takes place on the road where the car is pulled up in the middle of the road. Other drivers seem to be frustrated by this and at this point the gun is then pointed to them. The white male has casual clothes on where the other male seems to be dressed more formally. 


In this scene the male protagonist is dressed in a costume of a superhero and goes into someone's flat, the males seem to act more defensive when he walks in and surround him. The male protagonist then gets into a fight with the other males. At the point of defeat another female protagonist who's dressed as a superhero breaks into the apartment and starts to hit the males. 

Friday, 18 September 2015

Film Language:Poster Analysis

Blade Runner
The film seems to be about robots in the future and we can identify this from the futuristic technology. At the top right of the poster the text says "man has made his its his problem" this shows that there is a struggle between the humans and robots indicating the humans are in need of aid because of their actions. The genre of the film belongs to the Sci-Fi category because of the futuristic conventions in the film. The target audience is between the ages of 16-40 with a 60:40 split male to female because the main protagonist is a male and the female seems to be overwhelmed by the presence of the male not giving her a big of a role. Sci-Fi films also have a larger male audience than female.

Scary Movie 2
Scary Movie is a parody of horror films that have been created and made into a comedy. The review at the top of the poster "Absolutely Hilarious" tells us that the film is a comedy. Also, the quotes on the tops of both of the females are references to horror films that have been created before, the possessed child in the back is a reference to the horror film 'The exorcist'. The genre of the film is horror comedy as it is based on horror films that have been created but twisted into a parody which gives the film the comedy side to it. The target audience is aimed between the ages of 14-45 with a 50:50 split male to female.

The storyline is about a male who seems to come from a poor background working in another country and i can identify this from the texts on the poster which aren't in English. The story seems to be about a tragedy that's happened and this is noticeable from the quote "profoundly beautiful", I can connote that the tragedy is unique but also something special. The genre of this film belongs to International as it isn't produced in this country. The target audience is a 50:50 split male to female from the ages of 18-55.

I'm not scared
'Im not scared' is a film about a boy who finds a hole in the ground. The name of the film enables us to understand that there is something in the hole that may not frighten the male protagonist but could be disturbing to other people. The film seems to have a twist to it which I can connote from the review "almost blinding". This implies that the twist was unexpected and isn't predictable. The genre of the film is a International thriller. This is because the film is placed in another country and has text in Italian, we can also identify this is a thriller through the title of the film and the central image itself as the colour seems to fade away at the bottom of the poster. The target audience is between the ages of 16-60 with a 50:50 split male to female.

Sin City
'Sin City' seems to be a film based on the male protagonist who is centralized in the poster and seems to have majority of the power. I know that the film is to do with violence and death as the poster is mainly in black and white with only the text in red. This is also identifiable from the weapons that the characters are holding. The film belongs to the Film Noir category, this is seen through the black and white colour of the poster and the text on the poster. The poster also seems to have 2 females in it where films in this genre usually have females that are portrayed as being mischievous and devious. The target audience is aimed mainly at males giving it a 65:35 male to female split aged between 15-45.

Pirates of the Caribbean dead mans chest

The film is to do with pirates, the audience can see this as the central image is a ship that is being destroyed. The character on the left seems to be the main protagonist as he's the one holding the weapon, we can also identify that this is to do with pirates as he is made to look like one. The characters seem to be getting hold of a chest, we know this as it's in the name of the film. The genre of the film would be a fantasy adventure because they're on a quest to gain something.The target audience of the film is mainly men as they would be seen to have a more of an interest in pirates than women. It would be a 70:30 split male to female around the ages of 12-50.

Bride & Prejudice
The film is about a marriage between a couple, an indication of this is in the name of the film 'bride'. The film is a romantic comedy and this is identifiable from the quotation "Spectacular, romantic, funny and so sexy". The text at the top addressing the director is done through one of their previous films that they've produced to help sell the film as the film may come under the category International and many people may not known the director but the film itself. The target audience is predominately women as it is a romantic comedy, it would be a 25:75 split male to female around the ages of 12-45.

Million Dollar Baby 
The film is to do with some type of sport which the audience can see from the clothes the female protagonist is wearing. The film is based on her as she's the central image and in the foreground of the poster. The two males in the foreground seem to play a big role but the storyline doesn't seem to be based on them. The genre of the film is sports as the film is based on a sport. The target audience of the film would be a 50:50 split as males are seen to be more into sports than women but having a female protagonist will encourage females who've viewed this poster to be more inclined to watch the film giving it a 50:50 split, the age of the audience will be around 12-50 as younger viewers are more into sports.